First off I would like to apologize for my extended absence. Due to extenuating circumstances I have not updated my blog. First off I was having a lot of computer problems which made for some really horrible headaches and very frustrating nights especially towards the end of winter semester. Thankfully, Melissa lent me her old computer so I would have one that wasn't quite the headache, but it was still not that great (sorry Melissa, really appreciated it though). Then I moved to Alaska where internet access is not that easy to find and must be sought out. So I got a little lazy and just didn't care about updating.
Here's the good news. I now have a beautiful mac book pro thanks to Mom and Dad! Its a wonderful birthday present, and I am so excited to have a reliable, light, and may I add pretty computer.
More good news. I heard back from my number 1 choice for an internship in July and they accepted me! I will be interning at the Huntsman Cancer Institute this fall as an Outreach Intern. I am moving to Salt Lake and although everything seems to be working out I still have a lot to do. My apartment practically fell into my lap and I am very grateful for it but I just barely started thinking about what should go in the apartment, most importantly a bed. I totally don't own one of those. So we'll see how that ends up, it might be couch city for me for a while though.
I'm starting to get nervous this is a really big change for me and really excited to see what is going to happen.
I'm so happy for you! It's good to hear that you got the intern you wanted. How long are you there for? Then do you get to graduate? I hope Skagway treated you well this year. From your facebook, it looked great. Your so cute Alicia!! Miss you lots!